
Hey friends!  It’s been a long time, but we’re making a comeback with a new tip for you budding photographers out there who think working with flash is like learning a different language.  It’s not!  I’m going to show you how easy it is to balance flash and ambient light to create all sorts of photos and get you out of the “I only shoot natural light” hole. Hit the jump!

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Another year and another MegaCon!  I call it my home con, because it’s the first convention that I attended 6 years ago!    MegaCon is held every year in the spring at the Orange County Convention Center here in Orlando, Florida.  We’ve always had a good time at Mega and this year was no exception. We had the pleasure of working with our friends and meeting a lot of new people! Check out how our convention was and our gallery below! See more!

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Happy New Year!  It has been a long long time since my last post.  Between the weddings and the moving and getting settled I seem to have neglected my blog. DragonCon and AWA are about 4 months past at this point and I just got through the photos for those events!  I love Atlanta conventions for some reason.  There’s just such a positive and glowing atmosphere and these events. And the cosplayers are stellar! So here it goes, we’ve got a lot to catch up on! :]


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